Writing a book can feel daunting, no matter how inspiring your book idea starts out - writing it can feel like an odyssey over tough seas while inner storms rage. Don’t navigate writing your book alone. Together with your Book Doula…

Expect to cross the deep waters of doubt with ease. Become a better writer as you birth your manuscript. Sail over common pitfalls and get ready to post “My Book is Being Published! Get Your Advanced Copy Now!”

book doula is a writing coach who helps you cross the finish line and complete the rough draft of your book. Emily Bauman is the wordsmithy mermaid book doula book coaching expert

What is a Book Doula?

Working with a Book Doula might just be what you need to start or finish your book like a PRO and get it out into the world this year. Book Doula is what I call my special kind of writing-coach service. I blend expert technique and personal coaching into a process to birth your book. Most first drafts are done in 90 days! The world of publishing is changing rapidly, and gone are the days that agents and publishing houses can nurture writers from initial idea through to completion.

If you’re writing a book now, you know that there are up days and down days. Procrastination and doubt are the Chief Resistance Gremlins you’ll face. Many writers come to me asking, “Is my writing good enough?” Working with a Book Doula means you don’t have to go through the intense process of birthing a book alone. Navigating the rough waters with a seasoned co-captain means you won’t stall or give up. It will increase your chance of completion and a professional final product, one that creates the impact and the legacy you were born to build.


  • What does a book doula do? Emily Bauman is a special kind of book coach, she blends expert technique with energetic and emotional support to help you fight doubt and procrastination and get across the finish line.

    #1. Project Management Flow

    We’ll start with realistic deadlines and applying structure to your writing process. I’ll guide you through essential phases like creating a mind map to chapter structure to word count goals. This keeps your writing project on track and keeps overwhelm at bay. We’ll have regular check points to get your book to the finish line in a way that feels like you… the most eloquent & PRO version of you imaginable!

  • #2. Editing & Writing Craft Support

    Working with a Book Doula like me is like having your own personal writing course guided by a psychic friend, where the subject is YOUR BOOK! Take advantage of a trained AND intuitive professional to skip years of learning, avoid common pitfalls while writing a book and level up your writing skills. Even people who consider themselves strong writers need help to find (and keep) their voice for such a lengthy project.

  • #3. Emotional & Energetic Support

    Writing something that matters is TOUGH! It’s an initiation. A Book Doula emphasizes the positives in your writing while highlighting the areas that need work, so that you stay DEVOTED to the writing process and LOVING your manuscript. I can support you to *dissolve* your doubt gremlins and writers block so that you’re a clear vessel for the creation. The final product will showcase your inner work and investment.


What are your publishing goals? Traditional publishing? Self-publishing? An independent or hybrid model?

Not sure yet?

The good news is, you don’t need to know right now! 🎉 Working with a Book Doula like me will help you make key decisions about publishing pathways and answer even more questions you didn’t even know to ask. No matter how edgy, overwhelming or vulnerable your story feels to write, I provide the support you need to finish it with your sanity and relationships intact.

Book doula is like a writing coach who also works with energy and emotional support to help you cross the finish line and go beyond what you dreamed possible.


Why I Became a Book Doula

Hey there, I’m Emily! One of my favourite parts of my job is meeting new writers and guiding them on their journey to seeing their books listed as “published”. Woohoo!🎉 The publishing industry is fast-evolving and confusing place, and I wanted to find ways to help other authors skip the learning curve and get the stories exploding in their minds on the page in the most effective way.

As a Canadian child raised in Haiti, I hoped to grow up to be an author, librarian and mermaid. So I completed an Honours Double Major in Philosophy & English Literature in 2004, then a Masters of Arts in International Diplomacy that further finessed my communication and writing to new heights. I never grew a mermaid tail, but there was another missing piece…the energetic mastery and coaching skills which I honed starting in 2018. Now as a Book Doula, I work with Non-Fiction (narrative memoir), Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Women’s Fiction, Young Adult and Middle Grade books. What’s yours?

P.S. When Book Doula clients started to call me “The word-smithy mermaid” I knew my career dreams had come true. Thanks for landing here, in the headquarters of my soul-mission.

Book Doula Service by Emily Bauman at TheNewBoss.Co where you journey from idea to published author

Dare to embark on a journey that is soul-nourishing for you, impactful in the lives of strangers, and fuels business in ways you couldn’t see coming from here.

Did you notice things flip?

The book used to be the thing you marketed. Today it’s the ULTIMATE tool by which you market yourself or, in the case of most of my clients, your business, values or life mission. Because if content is the ultimate proof of concept, then a full-length, professional, published book remains the ultimate form of content.

How ‘bout them apples? 🍎

Where will you let your book take you? ✈️

Can you imagine doing a book reading at a cute cafe in Paris next summer? You get home only to find out…

You’re booked for your local morning TV show! Then…

Invited for a Ted Talk and a month later Oprah’s book club calls. 😲

These things happen to people daily. Why the heck NOT YOU…?

Book doula and writing coach Emily Bauma on who I love to work with for book coach service for coachers, leaders, healers, new era bosses.


“I mainly work with coaches, leaders and conscious people with something to say. ✍️They write non-fiction books that showcase expertise or aim to educate, inspire and support personal transformation. But whatever you’re writing, a book represents a significant piece of your legacy and an exciting chance to impact the lives of thousands of strangers. Why not impact millions?!”⚡

It would be my joy to support your journey.

Does this sound FAMILIAR?


  • Know you have a book in you but don’t have the time right now - life is so busy. Maybe in 3 years.

  • Feel you could impact real people with your story but the idea of writing a whole book is overwhelming

  • Have a laptop filled with half-finished writing projects that you kick yourself for not finishing

  • Feel like you need to take a bunch of courses and learn about the ins and outs of the industry first

  • Have always had a learning disability to some degree…find yourself wishing you could just trust the process and find the confidence to start

  • Don’t like the idea of sitting alone for hours and facing the dreaded blank page…


  • World leaders & single moms publish their books every day. Being too busy to advance your life’s TRUE legacy is a sneaky lie told by the resistance gremlins. Prioritize. face the fear of greatness.

  • Anything is do-able when you break it into steps.

  • What’s really holding you back from finishing is about unacknowledged fears or doubts that a doula can help you see and overcome…easily!

  • Taking endless courses is another form of procrastination; seek PRO advice, save hours and focus your energy on a writing practice instead.

  • You already have an amazing personality, voice and book idea. Add in a Book Doula and your project is unstoppable. (Many people speak their books out loud with Emily’s system and don’t even ‘write’!)

Which Package is Right for You?

  • The Constant Gardener, 3 Months of Guidance ($3,800)

    If you’ve started a book and are stuck or confused part-way through this package is for you. Together we’ll find your true voice, identify what you want to say to the world, set deadlines and create a detailed roadmap to fuel your writing process. It includes exercises to help you write your story in the most compelling, authentic voice possible. Unlike 90 Days to Done Manuscript, this package is not an accelerated or fast-paced writing journey. You meet with Emily every other week rather than weekly. While you and your book doula set writing goals and deadlines, it is more like planting and watering a garden, learning how to nurture the book and add the right mix of elements to make it flourish into being. This is about being a clear vessel and better writer than ever, so you can fully honour that which is being requested to birth through you (in all its phases and initiations). The Constant Gardener Package includes 2 x 60 minute calls a month with Emily for 3 months PlUS a Book Doula in your pocket (Whatsaap access to Emily Mon-Friday). Investment: $1,300 US x 3 instalments or one payment of $3,800. Package must be used within 3 months of the first scheduled call. Option to renew if required or desired.

  • *MOST POPULAR* 90Days to Done Manuscript ($2,600 x 3)

    This is perfect for the motivated writer on a mission to get published. The goal is to have your completed first draft manuscript done within 90 days of our initial call. 🎉 This package is like having a personal trainer walk with you every step of your writing process — setting deadlines, providing feedback, identifying new techniques you can use to level up your writing, and making sure you don’t get off track, until your book draft is complete in 3 months. We’ll meet weekly to set goals, discuss your pages, and to squash your resistance gremlins when they show up (and they always do!). We’ll use the Inside Out Intuitive approach to writing method Emily has pioneered, among other tools, to make you stay in love with writing and ensure you have the ingredients of a bestseller. This accelerated process requires your devotion and is ultra-rewarding. Your package includes weekly 60 minute calls with Emily for 3-months at a set time, as well as book doula in your pocket (direct access to her priceless support Mon-Friday via Whatsaap). Weekly Zoom calls are used for a combination of live-writing, coaching to overcome blocks and editing. Three payments of $2,600 USD or single payment of $7,700 USD. Package must be used within 3 months of the first scheduled call. Option to renew if required or desired.

  • Road Map for Speed Bumps ($399)

    This flexible package is ideal for you if have a specific writing dilemma or marketing goal you need help with, but you’re not ready to commit to a long-term book doula relationship just yet. 💍 Maybe you would like a personalized road map to launch your book writing odyssey on the right foot. Or your personal time with Emily could be used at the end of a writing journey to hone your irresistible marketing pitch, publishing blurb and marketing materials. Together you’d overcome whatever energetic and/or literary speed bump that is keeping you from reaching your destiny as a published author. Your package includes 2-60 minute calls with Emily and verbal feedback on up to 40,000 words. For example, you could have a call at the start of the month, implement Emily’s customized advice for three weeks and check in to course-correct and get feedback the last week of the month. Does not include support, access to Emily or editing outside of 2 live calls. Investment: one payment of $399 USD. Package to be completed within 8 weeks of booking.

What’s the process like to get started?

STEp 1. Fill out the form ⬇️ AND Apply to work with me. The journey begins!



Book doula and writing coach services by Emily  Bauman the wordsmith mermaid


🔥 All your BURNING Questions answereD:

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • Oddly enough, I believe it’s the very fact that the book is so familiar, well-established and embedded in our culture that makes it a good bet and valuable time/energy/money investment. I’d argue that investing your time in mastering a new social media channel is more risky, as it’s more likely to be rendered irrelevant by the next innovation. The truth is, there’s never been a better time to write a book or more support ready to help you cross the finish line like a PRO. If you’re thinking strategically, consider the tangible and intangible benefits your book will secure for you – whether that’s generating leads with zero ad spend, establishing new levels of credibility, word of mouth fans, increased visibility on the global scene, feeling confident as a leader or booking speaking gigs. Whatever it is you know desire to achieve for yourself and/or your business a book supports it. In addition you’ll achieve something you might not have expected: the satisfaction of creating something unique and worthwhile, of speaking in your authentic voice about the things that you care passionately about. This usually turns out to be one of the great, enduring achievements of your life. Nobody regreats investing time in writing a book on your death bed. Usually they regret not writing it!

  • Once you write and publish your book, it will be out there with a life of its own; it’ll end up on bedside tables around the world and in book clubs you’ve never heard of. It’s like having an army of tireless clones of you, speaking in your voice and working around the clock to promote your values, stories, and vision of the world. No need for a VA or 20 interns! You can use your book in 15 different marketing and business-development scenarios we can talk about on our call.

  • I am not a publishing house, agent or book dealer. I specialize in guiding manuscripts across the finish line in a coaching and consulting capacity, including book production, marketing and launch execution. If you are looking for a traditional or hybrid publishing deal, I help you refine your manuscript and craft your irresistible pitch. If you’re looking to self-publish, I have a team of trusted proofreaders, genius graphic designers, book cover designers, and PR mavens standing by to get it done with joy and ease. Each pathway has its own cost. Let’s chat about your dream scenario!

  • Hiring a book doula or writing coach ranges from $1,500 USD for 4 months to $30,000 for 3 months… or more! Just like the car industry, you can invest in a Honda Civic, a Lexus or a McLaren. The average price I’ve seen is $12,000. My rate is around $7,770 for 3 months of in-depth support with more targeted support sessions available for under $500/package. Mainstream book coaches range widely in price based on their industry experience, how much time they save you, what’s included, and the energetic 1:1 support you receive. Be aware that higher prices don’t always guarantee better outcomes. Sometimes coaches have celebrity clients and high-flying prices to match. Or sometimes higher prices are due to PR and book exposure the coach/doula can guarantee you from their high-value network. Always ask questions, like whether you’ll be working with a team, one person, or if you even will get 1:1 support from the main coach or get delegated to a minor coach. Know what’s important to you, and invest where it feels edgy yet aligned for your unique vision.

  • While it varies by genre and depends on how rigorous your writing routine will be, most non-fiction manuscripts can be at a first draft phase in 90 days. If you are self-publishing, the stages that follow include developmental editing, writer revisions, a second draft, proofreading and then all the wonders of book design, marketing and publication.


“In a world where platforms are emerging and evolving at a dizzying rate, the shared cultural understanding of what a book is and how it works feels priceless. When people are facing disruption and AI-fuelled novelty at every turn, a book represents the familiar, the cozy, the trusted.”

— Emily D. Bauman